In various places and times the Romani have been called
gypsies, reflecting an assumption that they originated in
Egypt. The assumption is false: scholars have determined that
the travelers came originally from north India. A small
population of these people have lived in Ireland since the
early 19th century. They speak English mixed with some
non-standard words, in patois dialects called cants.
Cant seems to have developed partly as a cryptolect, to keep
outsiders from understanding what insiders are saying to one
another. Cockney speech in London is another such cryptolect.
Its rhyming slang—e.g., using "trouble" as an expression for
"wife" by derivation from the rhyming phrase "trouble and
strife"— reportedly developed as a way to elude police
scrutiny. As Stephen contemplates the couple on the beach he
thinks of cant words
used in England in the 17th century by the criminal
underclass. This language is often referred to as "thieves'
cant" or "rogues' cant," but much of it apparently derived
from the talk of English gypsies.
In The Canting Academy (1673), the work from which
Stephen draws many of his words (and four lines of memorable
poetry), Richard Head wrote: "The principal Professors of this
Gibberish or Canting, I find, are a sort of People which are
vulgarly called Gypsies; and they do endeavour
to perswade the ignorant, that they were extracted from
the Egyptians... they artificially discolour
their faces, and with this tawny hew and tatterdemallion
habit, they rove up and down the Country, and with the
pretension of wonderful prediction, delude a many of the
younger and less intelligent people" (2).
Travellers are mentioned again in Cyclops, when
the Citizen uses their name figuratively, and disparagingly,
to inquire about a meeting: "What did those tinkers in
the city hall at their caucus meeting decide about the Irish
language?" Gifford notes that "tinkers, like
Gypsies, were notorious for indigence, for cunning and
thievery, and for a shiftless, nomadic way of life."
The Romani are mentioned in Oxen of the Sun in a
more English context. In an 18th century prose style
reminiscent of Defoe, Frank Costello is described as having
consorted with gypsies: "One time he would be a playactor,
then a sutler or a welsher, then nought would keep him from
the bearpit and the cocking main, then he was for the ocean
sea or to hoof it on the roads with the Romany folk,
kidnapping a squire's heir by favour or moonlight or fecking
maid's linen or choking chickens behind a hedge."
In one of her darker fantasies Molly thinks of having
anonymous sex with dangerous men: "by the Lord God I was
thinking would I go around by the quays there some dark
evening where nobodyd know me and pick up a sailor off the sea
thatd be hot on for it and not care a pin whose I was only do
it off up in a gate somewhere or one of those wildlooking
gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the
Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they could
I only sent mine there a few times for the name model laundry
sending me back over and over some old ones odd stockings that
blackguardlooking fellow with the fine eyes peeling a switch
attack me in the dark and ride me up against the wall without
a word or a murderer anybody."