Atop the Martello tower in Telemachus, Stephen
looks northwest to where a ship is leaving "the harbourmouth
of Kingstown." The suburb of Kingstown, today
called Dún Laoghaire (Dunleary), lies several miles southeast
of Dublin not far from Sandycove, the rocky point where the
tower is sited. Two granite walls, referred to as the "pier"
in Telemachus and Nestor, project out into
Dublin Bay from Kingstown, forming a large artificial harbor.
In the second decade of the 19th century work began on
creating a harbor at the coastal town of Dún Laoghaire by
erecting two immense walls called the East and West Piers. The
town was later renamed Kingstown to honor an 1821 visit by
King George IV in his yacht. After independence its Irish name
was restored. The western pier is nearly a mile long, and
together the two walls enclose an area of about 250 acres,
with water depths from 15 to 27 feet. It is one of the world's
best manmade harbors.
In Telemachus a young man swimming in the Fortyfoot tells Mulligan that
he has seen a friend of theirs hanging out with a girl "on
the pier." In Nestor, Armstrong refers to "Kingstown
pier," and when Stephen asks him what he knows
about Pyrrhus, the boy can only think of a silly pun:
"Pyrrhus, sir? Pyrrhus, a pier." The heavy use of the East
Pier by people enjoying themselves (walkers, musicians,
lovers, yachters, children at play) poses quite a contrast to
the dismal story of Pyrrhus.
Armstrong indeed does not "know anything about Pyrrhus," and
has other things on his mind.