Bloom thinks in Oxen of the Sun of "the old
house in Clanbrassil Street" where he was raised. Ithaca
identifies the address there as "52 Clanbrassil
street." Clanbrassil is a main thoroughfare in
south central Dublin, running from the Grand Canal north
toward the river, and changing its name to New Street and then
Patrick Street as it approaches St. Patrick's Cathedral.
For about four years after their marriage in 1888, the Blooms
lived on "Pleasants Street." The
western end of Pleasants lies barely a quarter of a mile
northeast of the Clanbrassil house. "Lombard Street
West" (recalled in Hades, Lestrygonians,
Sirens, Nausicaa, and Penelope), where the
Blooms lived in parts of 1892 and 1893, begins at Clanbrassil
mere feet from the house that Bloom was born in, and extends
less than a quarter of a mile to the east. "Raymond
Terrace" (mentioned in Hades and Penelope),
where Rudy was conceived early in 1893, is not really a
separate street, but rather a row of houses fronting the South
Circular Road. It lies at the southern end of Raymond Street,
which runs parallel to Clanbrassil a couple of hundred feet to
the west.
Two other streets mentioned in Calypso lie in the
same area. Saint Kevin's Parade is a short, twisting,
bifurcated street just a block north of Lombard. Arbutus Place
is an even shorter street that begins at Lombard and runs
south for only one block, dead-ending before it reaches St.
Vincent Street South. Bloom thinks of these streets because
when they lived in the neighborhood he and Molly were friends
with several Jewish couples. He thinks of "poor Citron
. . . in St. Kevin's Parade," who
had a "basketchair" that Molly sat in, and of
"Moisel . . . Arbutus Place." Cyclops
notes that Moses Herzog, the Jewish moneylender whose
complaint has sent the unnamed narrator up to Arbour Hill, lives in "13
Saint Kevin's parade."
In The Jews of Ireland, Louis Hyman observes that
an Israel Citron did in fact live at 17 St. Kevin's Parade; he
was listed in the 1904 Thom's as J. Citron,
apparently a mistake for I. (329). Joyce's fictional Citron
was almost certainly married, because Molly thinks in Penelope
of the voyeuristic student, Penrose, "that stopped in
no 28 with the Citrons." (Her address, it should be
noted, does not agree with the one listed in Thom's.)
"Moisel" was likewise married: Bloom thinks
in Hades of "Molly and Mrs Moisel"
being pregnant at the same time—"Funny sight two of
them together, their bellies out." Gifford observes
that a man named M. Moisel lived at 20 Arbutus Place in 1904,
but Hyman associates the fictional character with Nisan
Moisel, who had two sons named Elyah Wolf Moisel and Philip
Moisel. This fits with a death that Bloom thinks of in Ithaca—"Philip
Moisel (pyemia, Heytesbury street)"—but
Nisan was born in 1814, more than half a century before Bloom,
so it seems exceedingly unlikely that he should be considered
the model for Bloom's friend. (Heytesbury Street too is in the
neighborhood. On the map reproduced here, it can be seen
intersecting with the west end of Pleasants Street.)
According to Hyman, Bloom's third Jewish friend, "Mastiansky
with the old cither," is Joyce's mistake
(substituting "t" for "l") for a grocer named P. Masliansky
who lived at 16 St. Kevin's Parade. In the book his given name
too is different: "Julius (Juda)," according
to Ithaca. In Hades and again in Ithaca
Bloom recalls conversations that he had with Mastiansky,
and Molly seems to have had intimate conversations with his
wife; she thinks that it would be better for Boylan to "put it
into me from behind the way Mrs Mastiansky told me
her husband made her like the dogs do it."
These old friendships from a Jewish part of town matter to
Bloom not only because of the good memories that remain with
him, but also because of the guilt that he harbors as a result
of renouncing the Jewish faith. When his apotheosis turns sour
in Circe, Mastiansky and Citron show up in orthodox
garb to condemn him. They "approach in gaberdines, wearing
long earlocks," "wag their beards at Bloom,"
and call him "Belial! Laemlein of Istria, the false Messiah!
Abulafia! Recant!" Later in the same chapter, all three appear
in a list of "the circumcised" (which Bloom is not) ritually
bewailing his fall: "Bloom, broken, closely veiled for the
sacrifice, sobs, his face to the earth. The passing bell is
heard. Darkshawled figures of the circumcised, in sackcloth
and ashes, stand by the wailing wall. M. Shulomowitz, Joseph
Goldwater, Moses Herzog, Harris Rosenberg, M.
Moisel, J. Citron, Minnie Watchman, O.
Mastiansky, The Reverend Leopold Abramovitz,
Chazen. With swaying arms they wail in pneuma over the
recreant Bloom." (The initial O. before Mastiansky's
name disagrees both with actual fact and with the name that
Joyce gives him elsewhere in the book. Gabler's edition amends
it to P.)
Ontario Terrace, where the Blooms lived in 1897, lies outside
the heavily Jewish neighborhood referenced in Calypso, but
not very far away. On the map reproduced here, it is in the
lower right, just beyond the Grand Canal. Holles Street and Eccles Street, however, are
not close.