Early on in Calypso Joyce repeatedly introduces his
readers to a feature of Bloom's mind that will reappear
throughout the day: his preoccupation with schemes for making
and saving money. In several passages from this part of the
book, he thinks of ways that sharp people make a quick profit,
often by transgressing moral and legal boundaries. Bloom
himself appears concerned to stay on the right side of these
lines, but he is keenly interested in other people's dodgier
schemes, and his thoughts are full of contemporary Irish and
British idioms for such actions.
His father-in-law Brian
Tweedy, Bloom thinks, "had brains enough to make that
corner in stamps. Now that was farseeing." To
corner a market means buying up a controlling share of the
limited supply, so Tweedy, Gifford infers, "had apparently
bought up all available copies of an unusual stamp before the
stamp was recognized as valuable." Such an action would indeed
be farseeing. Bloom's own purchase of a used raincoat from the
"lost property office" was a less spectacular
coup: "Railroad stations," Gifford notes, "had periodic sales
to dispose of unclaimed lost articles."
Other details suggest unethical and possibly criminal
conspiracies. Of the bed that he and Molly sleep on, Bloom
recalls that Tweedy "Bought it at the governor's auction" in
Gibraltar. "Got a short knock." The bidding
at an auction ends with the rapping of a gavel, so a short
knock would mean a hastily concluded bidding process—perhaps
because the auctioneer corruptly intended to guarantee the
success of a particular bidder and minimize his cost. This
supposition coheres with Bloom's suspicion that many British
officers are "in the swim": "In league with
each other in schemes to make money," in Gifford's gloss.
Historical records are stuffed with such schemes by military
A bit later in Calypso Bloom wonders how pub owners
become so rich. There is a "General thirst" in Dublin, but
"Then think of the competition." "Off the drunks perhaps," he
supposes. He tries to figure in his head what kinds of margins
the publicans might make and how much income it would produce,
but detours into imagining that conspiracies are involved: "On
the wholesale orders perhaps. Doing a double
shuffle with the town travellers. Square it
with the boss and we'll split the job, see?" Gifford glosses
double shuffle as "A trick, a piece of fakery (after a
hornpipe step that involves shuffling both feet twice). 'Town
travelers' are traveling salesmen. The 'double shuffle' would
thus amount to some manipulation of wholesale prices by
getting the salesman to overcharge and then split the
Bloom himself dreams up countless ways to get rich quick. Ithaca
uses the word "scheme" ten times in the space
of one page as it catalogues a fantastic array of such plans
that he has conceived. But there is nothing criminal about
Bloom's plans: they range from sheer wish-fulfillment
(happening upon an undiscovered seam of gold ore, accidentally
discovering a rare postage stamp) to ideas for civic
improvements that Bloom lacks both the resources and the
know-how to see into development. He dreams these big happy
dreams of wealth, Ithaca notes, because they help
him to get to sleep at night.
It appears that Bloom was once nearly arrested for selling,
or attempting to sell, some Hungarian lottery tickets that
were not sanctioned by the Irish authorities. But he is no
financial shark. He is one of the great mass of human beings
who work hard to get by and who wonder why a small number of
plutocrats have all the money: "This owner, that. Landlord
never dies they say. Other steps into his shoes when he gets
his notice to quit. They buy the place up with gold and still
they have all the gold. Swindle in it somewhere"
Despite his honesty and his lack of true plutocratic
credentials, Ithaca makes clear that Bloom is quite
well off by Dublin standards, and many other Dubliners have
their own conspiratorial speculations about how the Jew in
their midst has managed to amass his wealth. As Hugh Kenner
writes in "The Rhetoric of Silence" (JJQ 14.4),
"Joyce is careful not to discount too much the stereotype of
Semitic fiscal cunning" (389).