The man encountered formally as "Mr Power" in Hades
and one section of Wandering Rocks is seen or
mentioned more familiarly as "Jack Power" in several other
parts of the novel. Another doubleness, possibly related,
inheres in his real-life origins: Joyce said that he based the
character on a family friend named Tom Devin, but a man called
John Power appears to have lent at least his name to the
character, and also perhaps some personal qualities. The
fictional offspring of these two men began life in the Dubliners
story "Grace."
Early in that story, Power sees Tom Kernan home after he falls down the steps to a pub lavatory and bites off part of his tongue:
Mr Power, a much younger man, was employed in the Royal Irish Constabulary Office in Dublin Castle. The arc of his social rise intersected the arc of his friend's decline but Mr Kernan's decline was mitigated by the fact that certain of those friends who had known him at his highest point of success still esteemed him as a character. Mr Power was one of these friends. His inexplicable debts were a byword in his circle; he was a debonair young man.The Royal Irish Constabulary was a quasi-military armed police force separate from the unarmed Dublin Metropolitan Police. Headquartered in Dublin Castle, the center of British power in Ireland, its mission was to investigate and suppress nationalist dissent. Vivien Igoe has discovered a DMP pensioner named John Power, 39 years old in 1904, whose father Pierce Power had worked in the RIC. Her claim for regarding this man as a model for Joyce's character is strongly supported by a sentence in Lestrygonians when Bloom is thinking about nationalist dissent and state crackdowns: "Jack Power could a tale unfold: father a G man." The reference is to armed plainclothes officers in the G division of DMP who infiltrated IRA networks.
I am so sorry to hear your bad news that our old friend Mr Devin is gone. Only on Wednesday last I gave his name to a young American writer who is doing my biography and has gone to Dublin, Mr Herbert Gorman. I told him to see you and Mr Devin as you were the only people still left (as I thought) who could remember all the pleasant nights we used to have singing.... He used to collapse with laughter after a preliminary scream in a high tone at certain sallies of my father's. He must have been a fine looking fellow when he was young and he had charming manners. He comes into Ulysses under the name of 'Mr Power' and also into 'Dubliners.' (704-5)Some of the qualities displayed by "Mr Power" feel slightly discordant with Devin's hearty good cheer, kindness, and freedom with the ladies. When Joyce wrote that Devin "comes into" those fictions "under the name" of that character, might he have meant, not that Power was a mere pseudonym for Devin, but that the qualities of two different men merged under the one name?
Mr. Power figures in Cyclops as one of the men who pull up to Kiernan's pub in the "castle car," emphasizing his connections to state power. Penelope supplies personal qualities more clearly derived from Tom Devin. Molly thinks of a handsome middle-aged man who keeps a mistress on the side and consorts with other unreliable hail-fellow-well-met types: "they call that friendship killing and then burying one another and they all with their wives and families at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does of course his wife is always sick or going to be sick or just getting better of it and hes a goodlooking man still though hes getting a bit grey over the ears theyre a nice lot all of them well theyre not going to get my husband again into their clutches if I can help it making fun of him then behind his back I know well when he goes on with his idiotics because he has sense enough not to squander every penny piece he earns down their gullets and looks after his wife and family goodfornothings."
Cyberbeagle's 2019 rendering of the Royal Irish Constabulary badge, drawn from an 1867 RIC original. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Changing of the guard at the Cork Hill entrance to Dublin Castle, in a photograph of unknown date. Source: www.flickr.com.
Robert French photograph of the Martello Terrace house in Bray (the Joyces lived in the unit farthest to the right) held in the National Library of Ireland. Source: catalogue.nli.ie.
Wood Quay, in an early 20th century photograph held in the National Library of Ireland. Source: catalogue.nli.ie.