In Ulysses the Butt Bridge functions almost
solely as a reference point for fixtures in Eumaeus.
In Aeolus Mr. O'Madden Burke speaks of
"Fitzharris. He has that cabman's shelter, they say, down
there at Butt bridge." In Cyclops Alf
Bergan mentions "poor little Gumley that's minding stones,
for the corporation there near Butt bridge."
As Eumaeus opens Bloom looks around for a place to
get a nonalcoholic drink and hits upon "the cabman's
shelter, as it was called, hardly a stonesthrow away
near Butt bridge." Soon Stephen recognizes
Gumley, an acquaintance of his father's, minding the stones.
And, slightly later in the same chapter, Bloom gazes at "a
bucketdredger" that is "moored alongside Customhouse
quay," like the two ships in the photograph at
The bridge was built in 1879, the year that Isaac Butt, a
leader of the Home Rule movement, died. It was replaced in
the 1930s by a more elegant, but fixed, span.