
Telephones were not rare in 1904 Dublin. The first ones had arrived in 1880, and the following quarter century saw a steady build-out of lines, including trunk lines linking the city to Drogheda, Dundalk, Belfast, Derry, Mullingar, Limerick, and Cork. But the device was still far from being an omnipresent personal convenience. The three phones that Joyce mentions are all in business offices, and the conversations that he shows taking place on them consist mainly of communicating utilitarian data: telephone numbers, prices to be paid, times of the day, and so forth. Also heard often is the universal 20th century phone greeting, "Hello." In a moment of gentle comedy in Aeolus, Bloom's baffled "Hello?" suggests that many people did not feel entirely comfortable with this new appliance.

John Hunt 2024

  Early 1900s wall telephone made in Genoa, Illinois.
Source: www.harpgallery.com.

A 1917 wall telephone, opened to show magneto and batteries.
Source: www.wikiwand.com.

A 1900 desk telephone made in Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: www.reddit.com.

Clip from the film Topsy Turvy (1999). Source: www.youtube.com.