Joe Chamberlain

The Boer War of 1899-1902 aroused intense nationalist emotions all across Ireland. In December 1899 it prompted the worst outbreak of political violence that Dublin had seen in a long time, when a leading British MP named Joseph ("Joe") Chamberlain came to town to accept an honorary degree from Trinity College. Protests, counter-protests, and police crackdowns produced a highly volatile atmosphere.

John Hunt 2020

1896 oil on canvas portrait of Joseph Chamberlain by John Singer Sargent, held in the National Portrait Gallery, London. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

27 August 1900 photograph of Christiaan de Wet in Potchefstroom posing with a Mauser rifle, one of many restored by citizens after British troops confiscated and burned the arms of local residents. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Chamberlain's Last Speech, political cartoon by Joaquín Xaudaró depicting Chamberlain and Paul Kruger, President of the South African Republic, published in Blanco y Negro in late 1899. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

En Irlande: Manifestation contre Chamberlainn, colored illustration in French newsmagazine Le Petit Journal showing the first confrontation of police and protesters, one of them hoisting the flag of the Transvaal, outside the "Trinity railings" on College Green.  Source:

Detail from a 1904 Bartholomew map showing Lower Abbey Street and Beresford Place (blue arrows), Trinity College (orange), Dublin Castle (red), and the streets (purple) traveled clockwise by the protesting crowd: Westmoreland Street, College Green, Dame Street, Parliament Street, Capel Street, and the crossing of Upper Abbey Street and Liffey Street where Bloom dives into a pub. Source: John Hunt.

Oil on canvas portrait of Joseph Chamberlain ca. 1900 by Harrington Mann, held in the collection of the University of Birmingham. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Fusiliers' Arch, a.k.a. Traitors' Gate, on the corner of St. Stephen's Green in a recent photograph. Source: