Cardinal Wolsey's words

When a onelegged beggar holds out his cap to Father Conmee, "Father Conmee blessed him in the sun for his purse held, he knew, one silver crown." The priest's lack of financial charity is perhaps excusable, but the lack of emotional charity he displays seconds later is not: "He thought, but not for long, of soldiers and sailors, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in some pauper ward, and of cardinal Wolsey's words: If I had served my God as I have served my king He would not have abandoned me in my old days." The cardinal served King Henry VIII faithfully and effectively until his failure to enact Henry's plan of divorcing his wife invited the king's wrath. The pathos of this tragic fall, represented in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII, is in no way commensurate with Conmee's self-congratulatory application. 

John Hunt 2024

The Disgrace of Cardinal Wolsey, 1869 oil on canvas painting by John Pettie held in the Sheffield Museums. Source: