
By the time readers get to Sirens they have encountered a number of strange violations of what Joyce called the "initial style" of his opening chapters. Some of these, notably Bloom's echoes of the narrator's words in Hades and the narrator's echo of Stephen's words in Scylla and Charybdis, take the form of pushing free indirect style past its limits so that the narrative, instead of merely approximating a character's consciousness, enters into conversation with it. The beginning of Sirens extends and deepens this practice, as two barmaids in the Ormond Hotel deride an old pharmacist. Their mockery of his sexual unattractiveness bleeds over into the narrative's characterization of poor cuckold-to-be Bloom.

John Hunt 2023

An old fogey. Source:

Photograph in Maud Fernhout's series titled What Real Women Laugh Like/What Real Men Cry Like. Source: