When Bloom recalls his days as a traveling salesman, he
pictures young women at house doors "shyly acknowledging (but
the heart? tell me!) his studied baisemoins." Baisemain,
literally "kiss (the) hand," is an archaic French word first
coined for the respectful kiss that a feudal vassal would
bestow on the hand of his liege lord. Later it was applied to
chivalrous male attentions to women. Joyce's version of the
word, which has an "s" at the end, looks at first glance like
a plural implying that young Bloom performed his "studied"
display of admiration more than once. But the reality is far
stranger than that. Replacing "a" with "o" produces the word moins
("less"), so that the compound means not "kiss hand" but "kiss
less." The change implies mockery of Bloom.
Slote, Mamigonian, and Turner note that Joyce "consistently
spelt this word 'baisemoins' across several drafts. On a page
proof, he wrote a note in the margin to the typesetter to
insist on this spelling." There is only a tiny difference in
pronuncation between the two words––a "w" sound before the
vowel––and someone with no French might easily mistake one for
the other. But Joyce's French was excellent. He must have
known that baisemain referred to kissing hands, and
that by substituting baisemoins he was introducing
the very dissimilar notion of kissing less. Why?
Probably he wanted to mock Bloom's self-image as a suave
young lady-killer. At a minimum, the changed word suggests
that this oleaginous young
salesman's extravagant hand-kissing attentions to comely young
women did not win him any actual kisses. But the taunting
probably goes further than that. In a personal communication,
Ole Bønnerup points out that "at some point in the 20th
century, baiser started down a different road than
when it meant a cavalier's gallant kiss on the hand of a lady.
It became more carnal, more tongue-driven, and eventually
penis-driven. In other words, baise moins now suggests
'fuck less' rather than 'kiss less'." Bloom may have made
sales at some of these Dublin doorsteps, but he certainly
wasn't getting laid.