Archbishop of Armagh

In a triumphal procession of political eminences leading up to Bloom's coronation, Circe includes two churchmen with identical titles: "His Eminence Michael cardinal Logue, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, His Grace, the most reverend Dr William Alexander, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland." The solution to what may seem a paradox can be found in the fact that these two men come not from different historical eras but from different Christian demonimations. In Ireland both the Roman Catholic Church and the (protestant) Church of Ireland seat their ruling archbishops in the small northern city of Armagh.

John Hunt 2024

Cardinal Michael Logue. Source:

1890 photograph of William Alexander by Samuel Alexander Walker held in the National Portrait Gallery, London. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

  2007 photograph by Flying jacket of the Roman Catholic St. Patrick's cathedral in Armagh. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

  2013 photograph by JohnArmagh of the Church of Ireland St. Patrick's cathedral in Armagh. Source: Wikimedia Commons.