
John Hunt
retired from the University of Montana in 2020 after teaching literature classes for more than three decades. He designed the site and for nearly fifteen years he has been happily diving into the luminous obscurities of Joyce's text. Having written more than 1,000 notes, he hopes to live long enough to complete what he knows is an endless task. He lives in Missoula.

These five individuals have made substantial and ongoing contributions to the Joyce Project:

Ole Bønnerup, proofreader and grammarian extraordinaire, taught English and French in a Danish high school for 35 years and now fills the blessed void of retirement by learning new languages and tackling great works of literature like Ulysses. He lives in Aarhus.
Alex Hunt assisted with coding and design of the site's first iteration, and then developed version 2.0. He is now working on an ambitious third construct that will bring the desktop and mobile sites together. He lives in Seattle.
Senan Molony, an alum of Joyce's Belvedere College who was only suspended once, is an award-winning journalist who has published ten books, including The Phoenix Park Murders and Helen of Joyce. He has consulted on many notes, written or co-written several more, and supplied many images for the site. He lives in Dublin and reports that, yes, it is quite superb to be a natural-born denizen of the immortalized city.
Vincent Altman O’Connor cultivated the pluterperfect imperturbability of Ireland's Department of Agriculture for many years while playing blues and jazz piano on the side. He has consulted on many details of Hiberno-Hebraic coexistence, Fenian nationalism, Dublin psychotopography, and music. He lives in Dublin.
Vincent Van Wyk, who grew up in South Africa and received his B.A. in Irish history and politics from Ulster University, has recommended many videos relevant to Ulysses and contributed valuable insights on Irish culture, the second Boer War, material living conditions, and natural science. He lives in Derry.

This second alphabetical list, some of whose bios have not kept up with the passage of time, acknowledges briefer and more limited contributions:

Marco Fulvio Barozzi is a scientific and literary blogger who is in love with Joyce and with Dublin, where he spent his honeymoon. Before retiring he supported himself by teaching mathematics. He has contributed a note on Almidano Artifoni. He lives in Milan.
Patrick Boe is a software engineer living in Philadelphia, where he parents a child, cooks, and rides around on a big green touring bike. He designed the mobile conversion for the site.
Cathal Coleman teaches politics and history at universities in Ireland and the UK and enjoys bringing those interests to the study of Joyce. In recent years he has done research on John Wyse Power (John Wyse Nolan) and Michael Cusack (the Citizen). He lives in Dublin.
Gareth Collins works in insurance for his sins. He has been hooked on Joyce's books, and Dublin, for as long as he can remember, and takes photographs of the city to document the continuity of past and present. He lives in Belfast.
Sean Collins completed his M.A. in English Literature at the University of Montana and moved on to do doctoral work at the University of Utah. He collaborated on a note on Montaigne's cat.
Andy Han graduated from a Cincinnati high school in 2019. He enjoys reading everything he can and also riding his bike, though not at the same time. He developed a new way of implementing variable pagination and wrote a note on shrewridden husbands.
Bruce Hardy, the lead author of a note on the death of Rudy Bloom, is a retired pediatric cardiologist who has loved Ulysses for most of his adult life. In recent years he has been teaching classes in Joyce's works at the University of Montana. He lives in Missoula.
Morgan Lawrence is a wildland firefighting barista with a taste for world travel. She completed her B.A. in English Literature and Irish Studies at the University of Montana and contributed two notes.
Barb Nelson completed her M.A. in English Literature at the University of Montana. She formatted the online text of Ulysses and compiled the explanatory list of People in the Novel found under "Resources." She lives in Kalispell.
Doug Pope is an artist and educator who received an M.A. in art history from Concordia University and went on to work in the fields of publishing, film, and advertising. He authored notes on advertising and Stephen's telegram and collaborated on two other notes. He lives in Nova Scotia,
Russell Raphael is the author of An Understanding of Ulysses and The Fine Trousers of Almidano Artifoni, a short tongue-in-cheek collection of poems commenting on Wandering Rocks. He is the founder of North London Ulysses, which meets weekly in pubs to read and discuss Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. He collaborated on a note on the Divine Comedy.
Sahas Subramanian, a software engineer from India, created the downloadable ebook, starting with the Gutenberg epub file and incorporating annotations, textual changes, and the index of notes from the Joyce Project. He lives in Berlin.
Tom Seiler earned his M.A. in English Literature at the University of Montana. He developed version 1.0 of the site, including a way of encoding variable pagination to accommodate different print editions of the novel.
Josh Wagner is a novelist, playwright, and rabble-rouser who managed to complete his B.A. in Creative Writing and Literature at the University of Montana between extensive journeys around the globe. He authored two notes.

Many other people (this third list is certainly incomplete) have written to correct or amplify notes, propose ideas for new ones, contribute images, or point out oddities in the text:

Karim Benslama (Orange, France)
Dan Botezatu (Brasov, Romania)
Steve Chernicoff (Bethesda, Maryland)
Randall Cone (Salisbury, Maryland)
María José García Correa (Warsaw, Poland)
Kevin Downey (Toronto, Ontario)
Bill Egan (Canberra, Australia)
Iman Fani (Sydney, Australia)
Cameron Greig (Sydney, Australia)
Des Gunning (Dublin, Ireland)
Ole Martin Halck (Norway)
David Heinimann (Sidney, British Columbia)
Richard Kirkland (London, England)
Paulo Leite (Brazil)
Frederick Lang (New York, New York)
Cian Lyons (Dublin, Ireland)
Tess Marsh (England)
John McLoughlin (Melbourne, Australia)
Alexander Medvedev (Moscow, Russia)
Arnie Perlstein (Portland, Oregon)
David Rayner (Manchester, England)
Giorgio Rinaldi (Antwerp, Belgium)
Matt Rudge (Dublin, Ireland)
Jamie Salomon (Montreal, Quebec)
Katherine Schwarz (Berkeley, California)
Scott Shepherd (New York, New York)
Bevis Schock (St. Louis, Missouri)
Mark Shulgasser (New York, New York)
Marc Therre (Germany)
Julie Weng (San Marcos, Texas)
Bruce Wright (Reston, Virginia)
Ruth Wüst (Berlin, Germany)
Zhi Hu (China)

Anonymous but warm thanks also go out to those people who have spotted the typos that manage to slip through all the nets thrown at them.