Dundrum press

Having already mocked the Irish Literary Revival on the tower's parapet ("A new art colour for our Irish poets: snotgreen. You can almost taste it, can't you?"), Mulligan again swivels his wit that way as he serves breakfast in the room below: "— That's folk, he said very earnestly, for your book, Haines. Five lines of text and ten pages of notes about the folk and the fishgods of Dundrum. Printed by the weird sisters in the year of the big wind." His target here is the cultivation of Irish “folk” identity: ancient legends, myths, customs, and spiritual beliefs that were being studied and imitated by scholars and writers from the 1880s onward. His sarcasm is directed particularly at the greatest of the Revival writers, William Butler Yeats, from whose Fergus song he has just been quoting.

John Hunt 2011

William Butler Years, Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. Source: alexandrianhouse.com.

The Dun Emer press in action, 1903: Elizabeth Corbett Yeats at the press, Beatrice Cassidy also standing (setting type?) and Esther Ryan correcting copy. Source: www.pitt.edu.

Colophon to In The Seven Woods. Source: privatelibrary.typepad.com.