
Telling a traditional (but highly obscure) riddle to the boys in Nestor, Stephen changes one word in the answer: "The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush." And this is strange, because the riddle seems tailor-made to communicate his fear that he has killed his mother. One understanding of the enigma might be sought in Stephen's need to mask the guilt he is expressing. But recently another explanation has been proposed: that Joyce is importing Helen of Troy, the cause of Homer's great war, into his narrative by alluding to his own grandmother.

John Hunt 2024

Copy in the James Joyce Centre of an oil on canvas portrait of Helena Joyce, née O'Connell. painted by James Comerford ca. 1855, held in the collections of the University of Buffalo. Source: Senan Molony.

Helen of Troy, 1898 oil on canvas painting by Evelyn De Morgan, held in the De Morgan Foundation museum in Cannon Hall, South Yorkshire, England.
Source: Wikimedia Commons.