High grade ha

Among the many daring forms of verbal inventiveness in Ulysses, one major feature from Calypso onward is the truncation of words. Thoughts, dialogue, and narrative are studded with fragments, abbreviations, acronyms, and single letters plucked from the beginnings and ends of words. Joyce's aim may be, in part, simply to mimic the ways in which human beings use language, but he also deploys these devices to comic effect and explores their linguistic, epistemological, and hermeneutic implications. The pattern of shortening words is established when Bloom picks up his "Plasto's high grade ha."

John Hunt 2020

Source: previews.123rf.com.

Fragments from a word-completion exercise, source unknown.

A few of the thousands of English words that have settled into shortened nickname versions of their polysyllabic originals, as observed by Panchalee Thakur on a weblog. Source: www.linkedin.com.

Words with their vowels sieved away to meet the Twitter 140 character limit. Source: www.linkedin.com.

Initialized condensation of "For attention of Amy, work from home today. Per your request please find attached work in progress file. In my humble opinion, I'll reply by end of day. Talk to you later, Ria." Source: www.linkedin.com.

Business names formed from the compounding of word fragments. Source: www.businessnamingbasics.com.