Dillon's auctionrooms

New space-time. Section 11 of Wandering Rocks takes place just across the Liffey from the streets in the Temple Bar area where Bloom was shopping for a book in the previous section. According to Thom's directory "Dillon's auctionrooms," the business of one Joseph Dillon, was located at 25 Bachelor's Walk (often spelled without an apostrophe), one of two riverside streets in Dublin not called a quay. (The other is Usher's Island.) Dilly has apparently been standing on this quay outside the auction house for a long time, hoping to encounter her improvident father. Readers have been alerted to her vigil twice: at the beginning of Lestrygonians when Bloom sees her in the same location, and in an earlier section of Wandering Rocks when both the main text and an interpolation refer to it. Interpolations within the new section take readers to the following section and to two moments in the final one.

John Hunt 2024

Prisoners being marched to detention along Bachelor's Walk following the Easter Rising of 1916, with an auction house and a shop owned by a Dillon clearly visible behind them. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Detail of 1900 Bartholomew map with added blue arrow showing where Dillon's auction house once stood. Source: Pierce, James Joyce's Ireland.

A recent photograph of Bachelor's Walk seen from across the river. Source: xploreapp.io.