Ibsen, associated with Baird's

Walking with Bloom to the cabman's shelter, Stephen is "taciturn and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober." But he does occasionally utter a few words, starting with a mental association reported in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: "Stephen thought to think of Ibsen, associated with Baird's the stonecutter's in his mind somehow in Talbot place." Bloom hears Stephen offer this association as the two men are walking on Store Street, quite close to where the business stood. The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen was a literary hero for the young Joyce, ranked higher than Shakespeare in his estimation.

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Henrik Ibsen late in life. Source: medium.com.

Scene from a 1991 production of When We Dead Awaken at the Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Source: americanrepertorytheater.org.