Photo Bits

Unlike the suggestively named but clean Tit-Bits (another penny weekly), the London-produced Photo Bits was, by Edwardian standards, a softcore pornography publication. It offered "Thirty-Two Pages of Pictures," many of them prurient but presented in a consistently lighthearted way. It was the first magazine in the UK to offer pin-up photos, which is how Bloom obtained "The Bath of the Nymph over the bed. Given away with the Easter number of Photo Bits." The magazine was published from July 1898 to December 1914 and supplied Joyce with many different kinds of subject matter.

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The cover of the 18 October 1902 issue of Photo Bits.

Pin-up center spread from the same issue of Photo Bits.

Page of ads from the same issue of Photo Bits.

Photograph of a "highkicker" in the 10 January 1903 issue of Photo Bits.
Source: Tess Marsh, JJQ 30/31 (1993).

Last of a sequence of three narrative images in the 30 May 1903 issue.
Source: Tess Marsh, JJQ 30/31 (1993).

Image of a cross-dressing woman in the 29 April 1899 issue of Photo Bits. Source: Tess Marsh, JJQ 30/31 (1993).