
Asked the name of his story, Stephen offers two biblically inspired titles: "I call it A Pisgah Sight of Palestine or The Parable of The Plums." The second title generically invokes the parables that Jesus narrates in the gospels, implying in a quite unspecific way that the simple little tale of two old women contains a moral––an instructive message. The first title carries more substantive content. It refers to the verses in the Hebrew Bible in which God gives his prophet Moses a glimpse of the homeland to which he has been leading his people. Together, these biblical allusions suggest that Stephen's vignette contains a subversive political message about Ireland's coming independence.

John Hunt 2025

God pointing out Palestine to Moses from the top of the mountain.
Source: guidedbiblestudies.com.

  Moses Viewing the Promised Land, 1846 oil on cardboard painting by Frederic Edwin Church, held in a private collection. Source: Wikimedia Commons.