
New Style. "Therefore, everyman, look to that last end that is thy death...Nine twelve bloodflows chiding her childless": after Latinate prose obscured by mists of translation and Anglo-Saxon language strangely modeled on both prose and verse come two paragraphs whose style is not much easier to characterize. The call for "everyman" to confront his death suggests an allusion to the medieval morality play Everyman, but neither this paragraph nor the following one resembles it stylistically. Their most distinctive verbal mannerism is constant repetition of the words "man" and "woman"—a feature which is not characteristic of the play. It may be intended to suggest a sermon in Middle English.

John Hunt 2021

 Frontispiece from edition of Everyman published by John Sklot ca. 1530.
Source: Wikimedia Commons.

 Poster announcing November 1902 performances of Everyman at The Albert Hall in Leeds. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

 Edith Wynne Matthison performing the title role of Everyman in 1903, in a photograph published in Sunset Magazine. Source: Wikimedia Commons.