Hirsute comets

In Wandering Rocks Lenehan mentions Bloom's amateur interest in comets, and in Ithaca they show up among the many astronomical phenomena that Bloom propounds to Stephen: "the almost infinite compressibility of hirsute comets and their vast elliptical egressive and reentrant orbits from perihelion to aphelion." Only these two chapters explicitly mention comets, but many passages in the novel play suggestively on their shape, their hairy ("hirsute") appearance, and their journeys to and from the sun. Ancient peoples often regarded comets as dangerous omens––another relevant aspect, because Joyce strongly links them to Blazes Boylan's intrusion into the Blooms' marriage.

Senan Molony and John Hunt 2024

1986 NASA photograph of Halley's Comet. Source: www.space.com.

The orbit of Halley's Comet is even more vastly elliptical than the compressed scale of this drawing can indicate. Source: shelovesscience.com.

Source: Senan Molony.

Source: Senan Molony.

  Source: Senan Molony.

Source: Senan Molony.

Diagram of the evolution and devolution of a cometary display.
Source: lasp.colorado.edu.

Comet image copyrighted by Vito Technology. Source: starwalk.space.